Saturday, October 23, 2010

Samba can be the first to support GPLv3 break with concerns

July 11 International reported widely used open source network file and print sharing software Samba 9 decided, would be changed to the new third edition of the General Public License (GPL 3).

Samba project leader Jeremy Allison, said: 'After consideration within the Samba team, we decided to release all future versions of Samba will be changed to GPLv3 and LGPLv3 license. We think this is Samba and other help to promote the interests of the free software change. '

Free Software Foundation (The Free Software Foundation) has been announced in the June new GPLv3, which on the patent, and other authorized compatibility, and GPL software in consumer devices such as the use of part of all major changes. GPLv3 finalized, the focus can then go to the new license is widely accepted and used.

There are numerous small free and open source software with GPL, heavyweight projects such as Samba, MySQL database system, Linux kernel and Java are among them. Linux leader Linus Torvalds Core Programme has said he supports the implementation of the GPL in 1991 published the second edition.

Upcoming Samba 3.2 version of the official switch to GPLv3, before the final version is Samba 3.0.29. Samba said: 'In this note, Samba 3.2 and all subsequent versions will be based on GPLv3; Samba 3.0.x and all versions before, is still under the GPLv2. '

As under the GPLv2 and GPLv3 release the source code may not be free to mix, open source program conversion authorization permit may result in very complex situation. Samba team will continue to use the various versions of GPLv2 to provide security fixes, but new features will be only for the version of GPLv3.

Free Software Foundation has released under GPLv3 number of its Gnu''s Not Unix (GNU) program components, including the widespread use of "tar" file compression / decompression command.

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